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Animated Gifs For Google Classroom Theme Images

How to add GIFs to your Google Classroom


In this article, we will show you how to add GIFs to your Google Classroom. GIFs are a great way to add some personality and fun to your classroom. They can be used to illustrate concepts, provide feedback, or just make your students smile.

Adding GIFs to Google Classroom

Follow the below steps to add GIFs to Google Classroom: 1. Find the GIF you want to add to your classroom. 2. Click on the GIF to open it in a new tab. 3. Right-click on the GIF and select "Copy image address". 4. Open Google Classroom and go to the class you want to add the GIF to. 5. Click on the "Classwork" tab. 6. Click on the "Create" button. 7. Select "Assignment" or "Quiz". 8. Paste the image address of the GIF into the "Image" field. 9. Click on the "Create" button.

Your GIF will now be added to your Google Classroom assignment or quiz.

Here are some additional tips for using GIFs in Google Classroom:

Use relevant GIFs. Make sure the GIFs you use are relevant to the topic you are teaching. GIFs can illustrate concepts, provide feedback, or just make your students smile. Don't overdo it. GIFs can be a great way to add some fun to your classroom, but don't overdo it. Too many GIFs can be distracting and overwhelming for students. Be mindful of copyright. Make sure you have the right to use the GIFs you add to your classroom. You can find copyright-free GIFs by searching for them on websites like GIPHY or Tenor.
